Thursday, October 28, 2010

when i was high on caffeine


                                  this is the expression that i had on my face the whole time.i have no idea what was the actual reason behind it but the feeling was indeed felt as if i am on the top of the world.anyway,i had psychology paper so i woke up around 4am to study as i knew nothing about it at all.i got freshened up as soon as i could,made breakfast and some coffee for myself.i started off with "drugs" chapter when i came across a line which said"Ingestion of the amount of caffeine in one or two cups of coffee causes many mild physiological effects."
it kinda seemed interesting because i've been having coffee since so long and nothing has happened to me yet.i was afraid i'd fall asleep while writing paper.i studied for like,3 hours and  had 3 cups of coffee =P
                                   It was 7 so i had to leave home.i don't know why but i was in such a cherished mood,you have no idea.i had studied only 2 answers and luckily those two questions came.thanks to jiten who really encouraged me and scared me at the same time =P I was so exhilarated.i happily wrote how much i knew and got done with it in an hour.i hope i at least get through in this paper because i am already flunking 3 paper *giggles* i later met my friends in the canteen.even their paper was awesome as one of my friends had chits =P even they were shocked to see me in such a jolly mood =D everything seemed so perfect.i hung around a bit and returned back home.
                                    As soon as i returned home,i told mom about it but mom thought its due to lack of sleep that i've been getting lately because of my exams going on.i giggled and i went away.i hogged something and was just chilling out.suddenly,i started feeling so restless and suffocating,i don't know why.then i realized it could be because of access of caffeine.hence,the effect didn't last so long and i decided to crash down =P a
                                 this way,i really realized that i could be high even on caffeine =P


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