Saturday, October 30, 2010

happiness of getting someone back.

“By night on my bed I sought him whom my soul loveth.” - Bible - Song of Songs, Solomon

A date to remember today, 20102010! Funny how we humans seek patterns and significance in the most insignificant and arbitrary of details… But to be playful is within our nature and to seek order, pattern and rule is part of the joy and curse of being human. I remember lying in bed when a child and gazing at the cracks of the ceiling trying to make out shapes and figures, pictures and whole scenes. Or looking at the clouds and seeing monsters, angels, animals, a thousand objects everyday or fanciful.

I had a phone call from a friend today, with whom I had not spoken for a while. He has been into some great mess lately and was living the life of a emo all over , enjoying it shortly, but then he finally got back to normal. He was ecstatic when he talked to me revealing he had fallen in some silly issues all over again. I shared his happiness with him and we prattled on for a while, until I asked him if everything is back to normal. And then he clouded over, became insecure, stuttered, was tongue-tied in fact and finally admitted that he thought so but had so many doubts…

How hard it is to love! I jotted down a poem and I dedicate it to someone special.


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