Monday, October 25, 2010

my shattered pieces ..

Well,this morning i was sitting in the library,thinking about my ex and what we really shared.i gave it a thought and took a piece of paper and started writing down what i felt that very moment.
so here's what i've got.
hope you like it <3 =)

I was just being made a fool,
but still i somehow managed to keep my cool.

i believed we were meant to be together,
you even promised me that you'd be there forever.

there was nothing for you to boast,
but for you,i was just a ghost.

you used to call me freaking stranger,
what was the reason for this sudden change?

i couldn't just take no more that fight,
you said,you wanted me out of your sight.

things were going way too wrong,
but still,i somehow had to stay strong.

you said you want me no more,
well! you had no idea how much it hurt me to the core.

i wondered if those spent moments were really we,
you said,"i don't think so" how heartless could you be?

you said you wanna leave me,
"be happy!" i said,as it was the only key.
Well,this morning i was sitting in the library,thinking about my ex and what we really shared.i gave it a thought and took a piece of paper and started writing down what i felt that very moment.
so here's what i've got.
hope you like it <3 =)

I was just being made a fool,
but still i somehow managed to keep my cool.

i believed we were meant to be together,
you even promised me that you'd be there forever.

there was nothing for you to boast,
but for you,i was just a ghost.

you used to call me freaking stranger,
what was the reason for this sudden change?

i couldn't just take no more that fight,
you said,you wanted me out of your sight.

things were going way too wrong,
but still,i somehow had to stay strong.

you said you want me no more,
well! you had no idea how much it hurt me to the core.

i wondered if those spent moments were really we,
you said,"i don't think so" how heartless could you be?

you said you wanna leave me,
"be happy!" i said,as it was the only key.

i had gone for away for you to know,
but still you said,"how could you ever let me go?"

we could have tried and work things out,
but after every effort,all you did was shout.

you left my heart all scattered,
and in the end,i was left with all my soul shattered xi had gone for away for you to know,

but still you said,"how could you ever let me go?"

we could have tried and work things out,
but after every effort,all you did was shout.

you left my heart all scattered,
and in the end,i was left with all my soul shattered x


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