Monday, October 25, 2010

Is This Really The End?

sitting by a side,

i just don't feel anything right,
the pain is too much inside,
i don't want anymore to fight....

well,i'm not so good with the rhymes but its all i can say to express my state now.
umm,its sunday and its meant to be boring
i'm having a very crappy day 
i woke up at 12pm today and found nobody but me in the house.i called up mom but she didn't answer.i was very hungry but there was just an banana and milk in the fridge.
so i had it and made coffee.later,i sat online on facebook and had a talk with my friends when i saw my friend vishal online. we both were very good friends but distance took  a toll on our,he wasn't sounding right.when i asked him about it,he overreacted and spoke very harshly to me.i still kept my cool and tried to make him feel better but he asked me to leave him the fuck alone forever.I was too shocked to say anything so i just logged off and deleted him from my contacts and my friends list.i don't know if i did right but i just couldn't stand him anymore.
i thought i'm strong enough to bear this pain but i realized i'm not.
i want him back but i can't take him in this way.
i'm just too terrified to act on it.
i miss him :(

i keep asking myself every minute,if this is really the end or just a bend? 


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