Monday, October 25, 2010

healing begins.

It has been.... FOREVER.

A song to share with y'all as my 'breaking back in' blog :)

Healing Begins
Tenth Avenue North

So you thought you had to keep this up
All the work that you do
So we think that you're good
And you can't believe it's not enough
All the walls you built up are just glass on the outside

So let 'em fall down
There's freedom waiting in the sound
When you let your walls fall to the ground
We're here now

This is where the healing begins, oh
This is where the healing starts
When you come to where you're broken within
The light meets the dark
The light meets the dark

Afraid to let your secrets out
Everything that you hide
Can come crashing through the door now
But too scared to face all your fear
So you hide but you find
That the shame won't disappear

So let it fall down
There's freedom waiting in the sound
When you let your walls fall to the ground
We're here now
We're here now, oh


Sparks will fly as grace collides
With the dark inside of us
So please don't fight
This coming light
Let this blood come cover us
His blood can cover us


I recently discovered this song while browsing through iTunes.. a thing I like to do every now & then.. I loved the 'sound' of it instantly, but it wasn't for about a week that I really GOT the depth of the lyrics. I hope you'll dwell on the message of this song with me. Follow this link to Tenth Avenue North's video journal about the song and give it a quick watch.


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