Monday, October 25, 2010

the blame game.

        So there were we,fighting again over the broken strings of our was all over between us but he bought all up again.i saw him online so i started talking by saying "hi" but he reverted back saying,"don't gimme that" :/
      well,it was unexpected and weird as well.i wanted to be polite and kind to him but it just didn't bring up any good on him.He didn't stop for a moment from accusing me for something i didn't do but still i happened to keep an eye on eye on every point which he was saying about me.later,he lost his cool and we fell out into a big fallacy and i ended up crying.i hate it when someone gets the wrong side of me.he knew it but that didn't bother him a shit.he gave vent to his anger,family frustration,and jealousy by abusing me.
the big problem is he loses his cool even in straightened circumstances.


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